Edit Filter Expression Dialog Box of the Report Wizard

Use the New Filter Expression dialog box of the Report wizard to create a new filter expression and to share a filter.

Note: Only the filter owner can edit the filter properties.

General Filter Expression Properties

Field Description
Name This field refers to the name of the filter for which a filter expression is being created. This field is read-only.
Owner Click to select a user who is the owner of the filter being created. The user currently logged on is the default owner.

Click the bracket button to add or remove brackets in a row. Use brackets to group expressions within the filter.

Filter Grid

Field Description
Logic Select the connection between two or more expressions, using these guidelines:
  • <None> is the default logic selected for the first row of a filter.
  • You cannot select <None> from the drop-down list. It is used only in the first row of a filter.
  • You cannot make the first row an Or or an And logic.
  • Use Or  to select multiple values from the same field or criteria.

    For example, if you select the Control Account field and you want to select multiple control accounts, you must use Or as the logic between the control accounts to have both control accounts returned in the report.

  • Use And to select values from different fields or criteria.  

    For example, if you select the WBS field and you also want to select a control account, you must use the And logic between the two.  When the report runs, the selected WBS and control account are returned.


The bracket column displays when an opening bracket is used for that row of the filter expression. Click the bracket buttons to set or clear brackets from the selected row.

You can enter an expression even without an opening bracket.

Field This field includes only the criteria associated with the report that is run. Click to select a filter criteria.
Level This field includes all levels in the hierarchy for the selected code structure. This field is enabled if you select any of the following in the Field column and if the selected structure is hierarchical:
  • Fields in the Control Account , Work Package, and/or CAM
  • Codes assigned to the Control Account and/or Work Package
  • Resource
Operator Use this column to enter an operator that Cobra uses to evaluate whether a criterion meets the requirements of the filter selection. Select one of the following operators from the drop-down list:
  • = — Select the equal sign if you want the value returned when running the report to equal the value selected in the Value column.
  • <> — Select the not equal sign if you want the value returned when running the report to not equal the value selected in the Value column.
  • <= — Select the less than or equal to sign if you want the value returned when running the report to be less than and/or the same value as that selected in the Value column.
  • => — Select the greater than or equal sign if you want the value returned when running the report to be greater than and/or the same value as that selected in the Value column.
  • < — Select the less than sign if you want the values returned when running the reports to be less than the value selected in Value column.
  • > — Select the greater than sign if you want the values returned to be greater than the value selected in the Value column.
  • LIKE — Use the LIKE operator when selecting a level of a hierarchal structure. Select it if you want the values returned when running the report to at least match that selected in the Value column.  

    For example, assume the value is 1.1.1, which is the third level of a structure. When the report runs, it returns all values    that contain 1.1.1 in the third level of their structures. The returned values can include and

  • NOTLIKE — Use the NOTLIKE operator when selecting a level of a hierarchical structure. Select it if you want the values returned when running the report to not contain the values selected in the Value column.

    For example, assume the value is 1.1.1, which is the third level of a structure. When the report runs, it returns all values except for values that contain 1.1.1 in the third level of their structures. The returned values can be and

  • Equals or Child Of — Use this sign in hierarchical queries to return the selected value and any children of that value.

    For example, if LABOR is selected using Equals or Child Of as the operator, the filter returns Labor and all of the child codes under Labor such as ENGINEER, ASTRO, QUALITY and others.

  • Value — Click to select a value. The list of values you can select from depends on the field selected in the Field column.  

    If you select Date in the Field column, clicking in the Value column displays a date lookup.


The bracket column displays when a closing bracket is used for that row of the filter expression. Click the bracket buttons to set or clear brackets from the selected row.

You can enter an expression even without the right bracket.

Filter Sharing

Field Description
Share this filter with the following group Enter the name of the group with whom you want to share the filter. You can also click to select a group.

If you leave this field blank, the filter is considered personal.